Wednesday, 2 November 2011

A poem about the love between Samantha and Justin

My lovely friend Julie Doyle has written the following poem, dedicated to Justin and myself. She posted it as a comment on here but I think it is so wonderful that it deserves an entry all to itself!! Julie, you made me laugh so much! I am glad I managed to inspire your creative streak!!! Many, many thanks!!!

  • What's in thee knickers?? (to be read in Yorkshire dialect)

    When I were now't but a nipper

    I'd slip on me mothers best dress
    And I'd prance all about in the front room
    And hope that no-one would guess

    Yer see I were born wi' a willy,

    a chopper, a dong or a knob
    I quickly took off to a surgeon
    To ask him to do me a job

    It's easy I sez...I'm a woman

    but the inside of me is a man
    please chop off me todge - it's offensive
    And do it as quick as yer can

    What I really require is VAGINA

    wi' feminine hair at the front
    Now get out yer scalpel and sutures
    And make me a beautiful cunt

    I want it just like this tattoo here

    All purple and orange and green
    When I open me legs to reveal it
    folk'll say its the best that they've seen

    Well he chopped and he made quite a cavern

    Wi' hair all about on them lips
    But I now have to install a lighthouse
    So it dunt swallow up passing ships

    It's bigger than planned that I'll grant thee

    and sometimes with size it's a WIN
      But dunt get too close there dear Justin
    I fear that you might just fall in.

    There's always the use of my knockhole

    my Rosebud is all shiny red
    Oh hurry and get here my darling
    I can't wait to get thee in bed

    You can whip me and tease me forever

    And smear me in Strawberry Jam.............
    BUT you don't really love me MY Justin!!!!
    It was all an elaborate scam.

    You may think you got me bowled over
    As if I would fall for such crap
    I may be a great big VAGINA
    but you are a conning young TWAT.

    And just in case you were wondering, this is the tattoo that is being refferred to!!


  1. One LAST verse....

    You may think you got me bowled over
    As if I would fall for such crap
    I may be a great big VAGINA
    but you are a conning young TWAT.
