I replied to Justin today after his three emial from yesterday. I do hope he likes Demis Roussos!!!
Dearest Justin.
Phew!! Am I relieved to hear from you at last. Those six days with no contact were the hardest of my life. They were even harder than the time when I was accidentally locked in a local bus depot garage for the weekend. I fell asleep one friday evening on the upstairs back seat of a double decker number 46 bus after having one too many Malibu and pineapples at a friends 'Happy Divorce' party. I only closed my eyes for what seemed like 5 minutes but when I woke it was 2:15 pm on the Saturday afternoon. The battery had died on my mobile phone and the doors to the bus depot were locked from the outside. Luckily for me I found a half eaten McDonalds happy meal (minus the Lion King wind up growling Simba toy), 2 half drunk cans of Red Bull and the remains of a Greggs cheesy beans and sausage pastie. I carefully rationed my finds to make sure I had enough to last me until the garage reopened on Monday morning. I managed to open the doors of the bus by using the emergency 'push to open' button and thankfully found a toilet! I relieved myself and turned my underwear inside out (as no woman ever wants to wear the same pair two days running) and had a wander round the depot. Thankfully the depot had skylights so I wasn't imprisoned in total darkness and I managed to have a good old look round. The lost property room was unlocked so I passed some time having a game of 'dressing up like famous characters from history'. Oh how I laughed as a caught sight of myself in a mirror dressed as Mussolini!! I'm sure you'd have laughed too if you'd seen me! I also managed to fashion costumes for Demis Roussos, Kenny Everett and the woman with the wrinkled stockings from Last of the Summer Wine ( I forget her name but I think she did the Shackletons High Seat Chair adverts too if that rings any bells). It's truely amazing the things that people leave on public transport! Anyway, to cut a long story short, the depot manager arrived at 5:30am on Monday morning to be greeted by me in full Dedmis outfit, giving my very best rendition of 'Forever and ever'. How we laughed!!! He was so impressed that he let me keep the Kaftan by way of apology for my accidental imprisonment. I often wear that kaftan and have a good old giggle! Do you like Kaftans Justin? I know a friend who has just bought a job lot off Ebay if you're interested.
I was so sorry to hear how you lost control after exercising. You really must take it easy and not do such damage to your body Justin. Your body is a temple and must be treated as such. Promise me you will take it easy from now on? I can't bear to think of you injuring yourself in such a way.
I was touched that you shared your fathers dying words with me. They brought me to tears. I agree that out divers destinies are of utmost importance and we must strive to make good the words of your father and honour his wisdom. My the Goddess Mozalina look over and cherish him in heaven.
I am glad you do not care for social status or standing, but true love. Justin, believe me whan I say this, I love you deeply and from the very bottom of my heart. Never has anyone made me feel this way. My every waking moment is taken with thoughts of you and my dreams are filled with fantasies of us together. When I say fantasies, I don't mean any of that pervy, kinky kind of stuff. Oh no!! Since those heady, depraved days with the likes of Mr Twanky and Cooper, thoughts of a sexual nature have not entered my head. I shudder at the thought of the things I got up to and the mere mention of Una Stubbs is enough to tip me over the edge. I dream of a day when we shall be married and live together in complete love and harmony. I want to spend my days with you, walking in the park, smelling the flowers and baking cakes. I want to sing to you and read you poetry. That reminds me Justin, where is the love poem I asked you to write for me? It would mean so much to me for you to write a poem expressing your feelings for me. Please, please, please send me love poem in your next email then I shal be the happiest woman on earth!!
I know that you are not like any of the men I have known in the past. You are real and trustworthy and from this moment on, my past does not exist. All that matters is the furture. OUR future together Justin. You have set me free!!! I am a new woman and you are my new man. I need to know that you trust me too Justin. Do you know that I will never let you down like your EX girlfriend did? I will stand by you no matter what hardships we endure. I am yours and you are mine forever.
I must sleep now Justin as it is late. I am so so happy that you are not ill or dead and you still love me. I can now sleep a happy woman!
Yours forver till the desert sands freeze over and the camels come skating home.
Samantha xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
PS Do you know many divers?
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