Tuesday, 18 October 2011

He loves me on his dying love bed!! Another reply from Justin!

So, he was speedier with his reply this time. He obviously cannot control the urge to contact me now. *Swoon*  He's now decided that he wants me to send him photos of myself. I have 'altered' a couple of pics that I pilferred off the internet (apologies to whoever the stock photo is of!)  He also wants to speak on the phone! Surely his Ivory Coast accent would be a bit of a give away?!!  

I am rather worried about Mr McBride as he tells me he is on his dying love bed. Surely he isn't going to ask me for money towards his medical bills?!!

Here is his reply!!

Nothing can be better than this meeting....
I am so happy for the inner feeling that you are pouring out and I know that all things work together for good to those that always have good intentions towards others.You must know this day that our meeting is not planned nor arranged by any of us but is divinely preditermined for it to be so and I am glad for that. You must know as well that Love is Real when both comply and agree to love based on the unconditional love that flows in their hearts.
When two come together I know that there are many differences between the both , I mean the background but when love comes it turns it to ONE LIFE STYLE.I want you to please tell me how I can make you happy and make you never to remember your past, My intentions towards you are all good not evil , to love you and care for you is my command. How I wish this meeting will yield inot everlasting love without any set back, Can you give me the chance that is what my heart is asking you this day? I fill complete since the day we started to mail each other...Babe I have a lot in me to tell you, but will love to talk on phone with you, hope you will love it....I am on my dying love bed declaring my care and feeling to you my queen, loving you. Happy week end and more blessings and favour from God. Send me your phone number and pictures...
I remain your faithful
Justin McBride

1 comment:

  1. This is FANTASTIC!!! better than Hollyoaks!
